April - is all about the breathing

April 2nd - Some quiet time will help you make the best decision.

April 21st - When I listen to my own voice everything gets easy.

Who knew that breathing needed to be a thing?
A natural, instinctive, act of survival and yet I need to remind myself on a daily basis to just breathe. The art of breathing has become a mainstay for our home. With an easily, overly excitable noisy boy in the house the power of breath has become our family’s go to. “Do your breathing, take 6 breath’s, Mum I don’t think you’re doing your breathing” (cheeky bugger!). Yes to breathe can become everything for us in that very moment and it can be your own go to when things get too much. To sit and take the time and space to breathe, to catch your breath, to quiet all the noise, the spinning, the stress on your brain can bring you some peace, some quiet and some homegrown inner wisdom. When we are running around we hear so much, we see so much. We know a lot about what outside feels, believes, needs, knows, but we can easily lose track of own minds, our own thoughts, our own needs and stances. We can find ourselves chasing other people’s aspirations and expectations without realizing that they are in fact just that – other peoples! So if you can find the time to quieten the world around you and to sit and listen to your insides, your own voice – now is a great time to start.